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Distribution Of Surfaces Load

Distribution of Surfaces Load

Assumed that wind load Q=900N/m^2 is acting on frame with dimension b=6m x h=3m:

In practice each bar assumes part of loading. We can imagine it, that cladding is divided on triangle and trapezoids:

So let’s check

what it happened in Fenestratica application. For that, we modeled

two identical frames with distributed load.

It is easy to calculate, that the maximum values of load is equal q=b/2*q=1,5m * 900N/m^2 =1350 N/m

We compare two models:

– With cladding and surface load
– With trapezoidal distributed load

Chart of displacement:

Chart of bending moment:

As we can see, we have identical results. So we can easily adding surfaces load: wind load, snow load, dead load without manually dividing cladding and adding loads for each bar.

Models presented on that Tutorial you can see now below, on Dynamic Snapshot:

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