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Types Of Surfaces Load

Types of surfaces load

In Fenestratica application user can add different types of surfaces load.

In Cladd Loads tab it is possible to add 3 basic types of loads:

  • Wind – Wind Load – Load is always perpendicular to surface, value is given per square meter of cladding’s surface
  • Snow – Snow Load – Load is always parallel to vector of gravity (Global axis Z), value is given per square meter of ground’s surface (Plane XY of cladding)
  • Dead – Glass weight, own weight of cladding – Load is always parallel to vector of gravity (Global axis Z), value is given per square meter of cladding’s surface (Plane XY of cladding)

If it is necessary, user can add any general surface load in Surf load tab:

Each of loads gave different result of analysis:

Models presented on that Tutorial you can see now, below on Dynamic Snapshot:




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